The Duality & Unity of being T

Provide financial coverage for sex reassignment surgeries for transgender Americans.

Provide financial coverage for sex reassignment surgeries for transgender Americans.

Provide financial coverage for sex reassignment surgeries for transgender Americans


. We the people, have recognized that the current healthcare coverage does not cover sex reassignment surgeries and some hormonal treatment. I am 18 years old and a transgender male. What we live with everyday is a psychological as well as a very real medical condition. We are born basically in the wrong body. However, the costs make help seem almost unreachable for most. As Americans, we deserve the same equality as those who have coverage for depression, various surgeries, and other medical expenses. What we are asking is both a emotional AND physical pain that we are forced to live with everyday of our lives due to cost. We need financial coverage and some help to get to the place that as Americans, every citizen deserves to be.

Created: Nov 19, 2012

Issues: Disabilities, Health Care, Human Rights


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02/19/2013 23:23

EXPOSED: Ex-Gay organization PFOX Transgender spokesperson exposed by former roommate

By Sabrina Samone, Trans Muse Planet   No one can deny being LGB or T is not a simple, easy...


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