The Duality & Unity of being T

Vote Mel Wymore a Democratic Trans-man with a plan.

01/18/2013 01:03
Excerpt from

Mel Wymore is a proud Upper West Sider who stands firmly for progressive values of social justice, economic fairness, environmental stewardship, and civic engagement. As a Democrat running for New York City Council, he is out to do what he has done for over 20 years: achieve real, tangible results for the people who call the Upper West Side—and New York City—their home.

Mel is a natural problem-solver and longterm thinker: he holds a master's degree in systems engineering from the University of Arizona. His 30-year career encompasses strategic planning, large-scale project management, and executive leadership in manufacturing, high-tech development, nonprofits, and community action.

Mel has chaired Manhattan Community Board 7, the Board of the West Side Y, and the PTA of the Ethical Culture Fieldston School. He created leadership and job-training programs for teens, health and wellness programs for seniors, and co-founded community organizations including the Stratford Arms Meal Program, Citizens for an Accessible West Side, the Carbon Squeeze, and the West 70th Street Block Association.

Among his proudest achievements is the reshaping of Riverside Center, a three million square foot mega-development. He secured 600,000 square feet of permanent affordable housing; a new, 100,000-square foot K–8 public school for the district; and $20 million for parks and playgrounds. He also marshaled public and private resources to reconstruct the 59th Street Recreation Center.

Throughout his time as a community leader, Mel's passion for building vibrant, sustainable community has earned the recognition and respect of a wide array of Upper West Side organizations. As the city council member from the sixth district, Mel will serve as he always has: by bringing people together to identify real solutions, and then seeing them through to completion.

Mel Wymore (trans-male) running for NYC city council seat in 2013, he could use the community's support: like, share and spread the word. A good man with a good platform making a difference for the "people" and just happens to be one of us....

So reblog if you support transgender issues, trans men or a real decent politician for the people. Show your support by spreading the news of Mel Wymore's Campaign.

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03/04/2013 23:34

Why Trans* should vote for our own self interest

By Sabrina Samone, TMP   To vote for what seems to be in the interest of yourself, your family...


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