The Duality & Unity of being T


11/18/2012 04:37

      I’ve been in the Charleston, SC area for several years now and one thing you can almost count on here is that when winter comes you really don’t have to deal with much cold weather during December and January. Well it’s freaking Nov. 18 and I’m freezing my ass off. Ok I know you if you’re in the north and reading this you’re going yawn now, but seriously when it gets below 50 degrees I’m too cold and if it get’s over 80 I’m too hot, so if anyone has any suggestions on a place in the world that stays within those degrees I’d gladly ask you to be your roommate, lol.

     But what you going to do right, call Mother Nature and complain? I still can’t find her number myself, so oh well I’ll do what I do just about every year before Christmas when the leaves are on the ground, the skies here seem to always be gray and the constant humidity of summer due to living in the south near the ocean turns to the wet cold dampness of winter. And this is how we do it in the south; anyone ever heard of neck bones, well it’s my grandma’s favorite so now it’s mine. I have no idea what part of the pig it is but I guess since its called neck bones it has something to do with the neck, lol. You can get them at any southern grocery store that I’m sure of, so if you live north of Virginia, south of Orlando, or west of Texas, you’ll have to let me know if you “yawl” have them. They come in plain or smoked, which is a little spicy, you season with pepper (no salt, pork is salty enough), I have to have unions with them, boil for about 2 to 3 hours on medium high, drain most of the water out, basically leaving what you can’t pour out in, and that’s cool. Then you add  your veggies, down here we call it succotash, basically corn, okra(if you’re like), lot’s of chopped tomatoes , lima beans and you pour all that into the pot with the neck bones cook on low for another hour, make some corn bread and Walla neck bones soup.

        Now it’s time to take a shower, I get the fireplace going, a big bowl of soup, everything I need to drink and its movie time. Yes I’m a movie buff pretty much year round but there’s nothing like a cold winter’s night to me, no work in the morning, even better if there’s a light drizzle in the air, fireplace crackling, my cats all curled up around me, I have a big blanket to smother in and pop that good old movie into the blu ray and it’s heaven, oh and if it’s 420 time that’s a plus, then I’ll probably eat the whole pot of soup,lol. So since its winter and I’ve done my Rachel Ray duty and gave you a go old southern recipe here’s also my list of what would be some good, cold, curl up in blanket’s movies. Actually I’ve even ranked my favorite transgender friendly films, no it’s not all I watch, actually we’re lucky if we get a new film on anything transgender more than one new film a year if we’re lucky that year, but since this is Transmuseplanet and I will often be talking about films here, let’s start with my top 25 transgender films of all time.

My top 25 transgender film choice for the winter:

The first two is without a doubt, and the reason I choose other than being favorites of mine, is due to their significance in groundbreaking awareness of transgender issues in film;

  1.  The Crying Game
  2.   Boy's Don't Cry

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03/04/2013 23:34

Why Trans* should vote for our own self interest

By Sabrina Samone, TMP   To vote for what seems to be in the interest of yourself, your family...


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